From the beginning of Time....
The Romans brought the vines to Tavel.
The clergy were highly interested in the Rhône valley vineyards, especially when the popes settled in Avignon and quite naturally the popes took Tavel wine back and introduced it to the Italian princes. Louis XIV was completely won over by the Tavel wine also.
In 1902 the « Syndicat des Propriétaires Viticulteurs de Tavel » (the Tavel Vineyard owners Syndicate) was formed, and in 1926 set up boundaries to limit the land entitled to produce Tavel wine, esentially concentrated on the commune. The soils of Tavel proved to be particularly propitious for the production of a quality rosé wine. It was due to the strong will and obstination of the vine-groweres and the Baron Le Roy that the AOC (appellation of Controlled Origin) « Tavel » was created in 1936 and thus became the first AOC rosé wine in France.